Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.100 | Potaliya Sutta | Four categories of persons are enumerated according to their capacity to give useful
praise and criticism: 1. Those who criticise those deserving of criticism but who fail to praise those deserving of praise, according to reality and at the appropriate juncture; 2. Those who praise those deserving of praise but fail to criticise those deserving of criticism, according to reality and at the appropriate juncture; 3. Those who fail to criticise those deserving of criticism and who fail to praise those deserving of praise, according to reality and at the appropriate juncture, and; 4. Those who criticise those deserving of criticism and who praise those deserving of praise, according to reality and at the appropriate juncture. At first Potaliya prefers the third category saying his indifference is admirable but later agrees with the Buddha that the fourth category is most admirable because his discrimination of 'proper occasions' [kaala~n~nutaa] is admirable. |
35/277 | Catukanipaata Dutiya Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. | praise, criticism, not remaining indifferent |