Academic | Sutta Name | Notes | PSA Plae | Vagga | Nikaya | PTS | Keywords |
AN.IV.22 | Dutiya Uruvela Sutta | The Buddha reminisces about the time shortly after his enlightenment when he was accused of not paying sufficient respect to elderly brahmins. The Buddha taught that those who: 1. speak untruthfully [akaalavadii]; 2. speak untruthfully [abhuutavadii]; 3. speak of things that are of no benefit [anatthavadii]; 4. speak of things that are unjust [adhammavadii], and; 5. speak of things that are contrary to the Vinaya [avinayavadii] -- or words which are unmemorable, prampreu, laewlaek, without defined scope, comprising needless things, are foolish elders [therabaala]. However, those who speak at an appropriate time 1. [kaalavadii]; 2. truthfully [bhuutavadii]; 3. beneficially [atthavadii]; 4. in accordance with the Dhamma [dhammavadii], and; 5. in accordance with the Vinaya [vinayavaadii] -- can be considered wise elders [therapa.n.dita]. The four things that make one a true elder [therakara.nadhamma] irrespective of age are: 1. self-discipline [siila]; 2. having heard many teachings [bahusutta]; 3. having attained the absorptions [jhaana], and; 4. having attained liberation of mind [cetovimutti] and liberation of wisdom [pa~n~naavimutti]. | 35/058 | Catukanipaata Pa.thama Pa.n.naasaka | A"nguttara | A.ii. |