Academic Sutta NameNotes PSA PlaeVaggaNikayaPTSKeywords
It.040 Vijjaa Sutta Ignorance, bhikkhus, precedes and leads to unwholesome things, and shamelessness and lack of fear of wrongdoing follow after. Knowledge, bhikkhus, precedes and leads to wholesome things, and shame and fear of wrongdoing follow after. " Whatever bad bourns there are In this world and hereafter, All are rooted in ignorance, Constructed by desire and greed. Since one of evil desires is Shameless and disrespectful, From that evil flows forth And he goes to a state of misery. Thence by discarding desire and greed, Along with ignorance as well, A bhikkhu arouses knowledge And abandons all bad bourns. 45/284 Itivuttaka Khuddhaka It.034 knowledge

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