Academic Sutta NameNotes PSA PlaeVaggaNikayaPTSKeywords
A.11_006 Byasana Sutta On the eleven disasters befalling those who (unfoundedly) verbally abuse monks who have already attained the stages of sainthood: 1. failing to attain the due mental attainments; 2; falling away from the previous mental attainments; 3. their Sadhamma will become clouded; 4. will delude themselves into thinking they have already attained Sadhamma; 5. will become discontented with pursuing the Brahma-faring; 6. will commit monastic transgressions; 7. will give up the training and fall back into the low (household) life: 8. will be struck down by grave illness; 9. will be struck down by madness or mental distaction; 10. will commit mortal blunders, and; 11. has the hell realms as an afterlife destination. 38/514 Ekaadasaka Nipaata A"nguttara A.i.

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