Academic Sutta NameNotes PSA PlaeVaggaNikayaPTSKeywords
A.10_014 Khiila Sutta Those monks or nuns who have not rid themselves of the following five mind-impaling spikes and who have not severed a further five mental attachments can expect only deterioration of their wholesomeness with no chance of enhancement. The five mind-impaling spikes are as follows: 1. doubting instead of having firm faith in the Buddha, and consequently slacking from striving; 2. doubting instead of having firm faith in the Dhamma, and consequently slacking from striving; 3. doubting instead of having firm faith in the Sangha, and consequently slacking from striving; 4. doubting instead of having firm faith in the training, and consequently slacking from striving, and; 5. being liable to anger, discontent, having a mind destroyed by anger, having a mind stubborn in the face of fellow monastics.
As for the five attachments of the mind, these comprise: 1. attachment to sensual desire and consequently slacking from striving; 2. attachment to the body and consequently slacking from striving; 3. attachment to form and consequently slacking from striving; 4. eating one's fill and finding happiness in sleeping, and; 5. wishing to be reborn in the deva world as the result of one's striving.
38/028 Dasaka Nipaata, Pa.thama Pa.n.naasaka A"nguttara A.i.

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