Academic Sutta NameNotes PSA PlaeVaggaNikayaPTSKeywords
AN.VII.52 Purisagati Sutta The Buddha enumerate seven possible farings to enlightenment: 1. attaining non-attachment for this life and the next, destroying the defilements, and having destroyed the Five Lower Fetters [oramabhaagiya sa.myojana] he will enter upon parinibbana after an interval (just like a spark falling from a red-hot slab of iron beaten all day long, breaks off and extinguishes instantly); 2. attaining non-attachment for this life and the next, destroying the defilements, and having destroyed the Five Lower Fetters he will enter upon parinibbana after an interval (just like a spark falling from a red-hot slab of iron beaten all day long, breaks off and flies upwards before extinguishing); 3. attaining non-attachment for this life and the next, destroying the defilements, and having destroyed the Five Lower Fetters he will enter upon parinibbana in the second part of his life [antaraa-parinibbaayii] (just like a spark falling from a red-hot slab of iron beaten all day long, breaks off and extinguishes before reaching the floor); 4. attaining non-attachment for this life and the next, destroying the defilements, and having destroyed the Five Lower Fetters he will enter upon parinibbana without exertion [upahacca-parinibbaayii] (just like a spark falling from a red-hot slab of iron beaten all day long, breaks off and reaches the floor before extinguishing); 5. attaining non-attachment for this life and the next, destroying the defilements, and having destroyed the Five Lower Fetters he will enter upon parinibbana with exertion [asa"nkhaara-parinibbaayii] (just like a spark falling from a red-hot slab of iron beaten all day long, breaks off and falls into a tinder box of kindling before extinguishing); 6. attaining non-attachment for this life and the next, destroying the defilements, and having destroyed the Five Lower Fetters he will go upstream bound for the higher realms before entering upon parinibbana [sasa"nkhaara-parinibbaayii] (just like a spark falling from a red-hot slab of iron beaten all day long, breaks off and falls into a smoke-producing box of wet kindling before extinguishing) and; 7. attaining non-attachment for this life and the next, destroying the defilements, and having destroyed the Five Lower Fetters he will enter upon parinibbana by seeing and knowing of liberation [uddha.msoto-parinibbaayii] (just like a spark falling from a red-hot slab of iron beaten all day long, breaks off and burns though all forms of kindling wet and dry and all the surrounding forests remaining before extinguishing); 37/161 Sattaka Nipaata, Unallocated Pa.n.naasaka A"nguttara A.iv.

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